
How to Create the Perfect Post-Stay Survey: A Guide for Vacation Rental Managers

As the vacation rental world grows more competitive, providing an unmatched guest experience has never been more important. But how can you know that the vacation rental homes and services you’re offering are precisely what your guests want? And how can you consistently meet — and exceed — what’s required to achieve stellar reviews, repeat bookings and enthusiastic recommendations?

A post-stay guest survey is the perfect tool for harvesting direct feedback from guests about their experiences, expectations and satisfaction levels. This invaluable information, culled while still fresh in the guest’s mind, allows you to identify what your guests appreciate most, pinpoint what needs to be improved and tailor services to meet the ever-evolving needs of your guests.


By understanding guest perspectives, you can enhance property offerings, improve customer service and increase booking rates and guest loyalty.

Surveys are also valuable for benchmarking against competitors and tracking performance over time, ensuring that every vacation rental remains competitive and aligned with market demands.

But crafting a survey that produces useful feedback without overwhelming guests takes planning and care. This brief guide is built to help you navigate the nuances of survey creation, focusing specifically on the optimal rating scale to use for questions.

Top Survey Questions

These key questions are designed for after guests check out and cover a broad range of areas, from the basics of cleanliness and customer service to detailed topics like the accuracy of the listing and the quality of local attractions. Tailoring the survey to match the specifics of the rental and guest profile can further enhance its effectiveness.

  • Overall Satisfaction: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your stay at our vacation rental?
  • Accommodation Quality: Were you satisfied with the cleanliness and condition of your vacation rental home?
  • Amenities and Facilities: How would you rate the amenities and facilities provided? Were there any amenities that you expected but were not available?
  • Check-In/Check-Out: How would you rate your check-in and check-out experience? Was it smooth and efficient?
  • Customer Service: How satisfied were you with the customer service and support you received during your stay?
  • Value for Money: Do you feel you received good value for the price you paid?
  • Accuracy of the Listing: How accurately did the online listing (photos, descriptions) represent the actual accommodation?
  • Communication: How satisfied were you with the communications you received from the rental manager before, during and after your stay?
  • Recommendation Likelihood: How likely are you to recommend our vacation rental to others?
  • Repeat Visit Intentions: How likely are you to stay with us again in the future?
  • Improvement Feedback: What could we improve to make future stays more enjoyable?
  • Special Experiences: Were there any added details or experiences during your stay that stood out?
  • Local Area Evaluation: How satisfied were you with the local area and attractions? Were there enough activities and dining options for you?
  • Safety and Security: Did you feel safe and secure in the vacation rental and the surrounding area?
  • Noise Level: How would you rate the noise level around the vacation rental during your stay?

Rating Scale

When you ask guests to rate their stay, the scale they use to provide their feedback is more than just numbers—it's an insight into their experiences, preferences and expectations. The choice between a 1-to-5 and a 1-to-10 rating scale might seem minor, but it can significantly impact the quality and type of feedback you’ll receive.

The 1-to-5 Rating Scale: Simplicity and Clarity

A 1-to-5 scale, called the Likert Scale after its creator, American social psychologist Rensis Likert, is straightforward, making it easy for guests to understand and respond. This simplicity can lead to higher response rates, as guests don't feel overwhelmed by too many choices. The scale is also easier for managers to analyze, providing clear guidance on where improvements are needed or where you're excelling.

When to Use It: This scale is ideal for general satisfaction questions and broad inquiries about aspects like cleanliness, customer service and overall experience. It's about getting a snapshot of guest satisfaction and identifying major areas of concern or success.

The 1-to-10 Rating Scale: Precision and Nuance

Offering a 1-to-10 scale allows guests to give more nuanced feedback. This granularity can be particularly valuable when tracking small but significant changes in guest satisfaction over time or delving into specific areas of the guest experience.

When to Use It: Opt for this scale when you want detailed insights into particular aspects of your service, such as the effectiveness of communication before and after the stay, the quality of additional amenities or the convenience of the check-in process. It's especially useful for gathering data that will inform specific improvements.

Balancing Simplicity and Depth

The choice between a 1-to-5 and a 1-to-10 rating scale isn't just a technicality—it's about balancing the need for simple, clear feedback with the desire for detailed, nuanced insights. For most vacation rental managers, a mix of both scales across different questions can provide a comprehensive view of guest experiences, combining broad overviews with detailed feedback where it matters most.

Timing Matters

For the best responses, send your survey within three days of guest departure. You want to tap your guests’ brains before they forget the details of their stay.

Keep in mind that the goal of your post-stay survey is not just to collect data but to understand it in a way that allows you to enhance your offerings, delight your guests and stand out in a crowded market. By carefully choosing your questions and the best scale for presenting them, you'll be well on your way to gathering the information you need.

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